2020/2021 School Year
16th Nov 2020
Parents - take the time to chat with your child/children about the lessons and events...
2nd Nov 2020
Our ‘America Day’ to mark the election of the next U.S. president...
20th Oct 2020
There’s something spooky going on in Primary 6...Making haunted houses with...
20th Oct 2020
Primary 1 boys and girls enjoying some messy paint time, as they prepare their display...
12th Oct 2020
Maths Week 2020
To promote Maths Week 2020 we encourage all our children to...
9th Oct 2020
Primary One class enjoying some PE – practicing their Fundamental Movement...
29th Sep 2020
Congratulations to our Primary 5 Boys and Girls who made their much anticipated First...
Jonesborough Primary School, 54 The Village, Jonesborough, Newry BT35 8HR | 028 3084 8330